Sunday, July 25, 2010

Far-Left Moonbat President Spreading the Hate

I have no qualms in publishing my utter disdain for this president. I abhor stupidity in all forms and this president has the terminal stupidity disease. I also hate people that want to destroy freedom and enslave the entire population of the world. I have no doubt that Barry Obama's ideology (Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, et al) will bring about those ends. History tells us this, time and time again.

Also, I told y'all, way back when, that Barry Obama's ideology and sheer stupidity would set race relations back one hundred years or more. With the news that we have been bombarded with this past week, do you believe me, now? This president has been about NOTHING but race since he burst on the scene back in 2004. He upped the ante with his racist screeds on Daily Kos, he brought race up in every word that he has uttered since he began his presidential campaign with talking about how he was not running because of his lack of experience, and he had made ALL of his presidential decisions based on separating our people from one another.

And man, Dreams from my Father was one of the most hate-filled racist pieces of crap ever published. He also called out his own MOTHER for being a whitey in the book. Hate knows no limits, y'all.

But, folks, this Shirley Sherrod thing has gone too damned far.

So far everyone on the right has backpedaled from calling Sherrod a racist. SHE IS, DAMMIT! If you watch MORE of the video that everyone is saying that Breitbart edited, it is EVEN MORE damning.

If you want further evidence, Obama appointed her to the USDA! Not only that, but Sherrod and her husband were the LARGEST recipients of Pigford money in the freaking settlement. That snot-nosed punk, Ben Shapiro, has more on this development. Listen to the seven minute thingy and hurry back.

Do you NOT see it now? This race hustler, Shirley Sherrod is simply the latest liberal media attempt to discredit the grown-ups on the right. Folks, everyone sees how incompetent the Democrats are and there is not a single thinking person remaining that doesn't want Barry Obama to resign TODAY. They HAVE to make it about race because the leftist ideology is freaking STUPID and even they know it.

Not only that, but Obama is RAMPING UP THE STUPID with the "Paycheck Fairness Act." Seriously, this might set the stupidity barre to heights that could never be equaled.

Obama to Joe FREAKING Biden, "You know Joe, I think that someone that picks up trash for a living should make the same amount of money as a brain surgeon."

Joe, "Barry, that is an awesomatic idea! You are a freaking genius. But, how can we keep making more than all the hajis and the Kneegrows?"

Obama, "We'll exempt federal elected officials!"

Joe, "Grillianment! Is that how you say that word and how do I get my hand out of this candy jar? By the way, are you ready for me to call in the Secretmentish Servicement to get the bucket unstuck from your head? Oh, did I tell you that the pillow factory added another shift to supply us with more pillows since Michelle keeps swallowing them every night? The economy is scheduled to rebound in the year 2347 at the rate WE are creating jobs!"

Obama, "Joe, I AM CREATING JOBS, you are simply riding my smarty-smart coattails."

Luckily, the Democrats are all concerned about keeping their jobs, so they have kinda put their real agenda on hold. Jimmy Carter proved that there is no way to win an election if you push your agenda too hard in your first term. Bill Clinton also realized that in time and his wife shall run for president in 2012 even though she should really be in jail, too!

By the way, Charlie Rangel (Dumbass-NY) is finally going to be ousted for his criminal behavior, if justice is served. John Kerry (Dumbass-Masshole) is in the same BOAT as Rangel. BOAT! Get it?

Another Democrat that is suggesting even more ridiculous Democrat policies is Pete Stark (Dumbass-Cali). Stark wants to tax currency transactions. Pete is completely crazy, too.

One thing that the Obama Administration is doing to help buy votes for the idiots in the party is to give more and more money to people who do not work. Since the last remaining people voting for the president's idiot party are people that do not work, criminals that are still allowed to vote, and people that will benefit directly from government spending, he has to accelerate the tax money flowing to his potential voters.

And where is that money going to originate? Oh, from letting the W. Bush tax cuts expire and in effect passing the largest tax increase in the history of our country. But, good thing that we do not make more than 250k because our taxes will not go up. Why didn't Obama just say that 100% of all income belongs to the government and then say that he was only going to tax us at 90%? Then he could claim that he gave us all a ten percent tax cut!

By the way, I have another post that I am working on today that shall link all the two posts that Obama published on Daily Kos. If you still think that Barry Obama is not a criminal, we'll be able to quash that rumor easily when those two posts are exposed. Yeppers, I got them and they are actually on his old Senate website, too! Internet Archive is dangerous to the dumbasses in the Party of Racism and Criminal Behavior.

Please take the time to comment.


Skunkfeathers said...

I can only hope (see what I just did there?) that the damage this inept jackass does to the Left's chances in upcoming election cycles, is greater than that he's doing to the country's future.

Paul Mitchell said...

You and me both, Skunkfeathers.

Disgruntled said...

Can we be allowed to punch the assclowns who elected this douchbag in the face? Or the cubes? A Double Tap at the very least.

I am sure that if we do not pull big numbers in November, the leftards will see this as an endorsement of the "Rape America Tour" and continue the fail.

Any ideas on an English speaking haven we can flee to if the Asshats win?

Disgruntled said...

I'm on it. Stupidity should be painful. Depending on the stupidity, the pain should represent how stupid it is.

Lock your keys in the car = stubbed toe.

Hit 'Reply All on a stupid e-mail = blinding headache.

Vote Democrat = .45 round to the kneecaps.

Please feel free to revise or add to these limited examples.

paul mitchell said...

You and me both, Skunkfeathers.

Disgruntled said...

Can we be allowed to punch the assclowns who elected this douchbag in the face? Or the cubes? A Double Tap at the very least.

I am sure that if we do not pull big numbers in November, the leftards will see this as an endorsement of the "Rape America Tour" and continue the fail.

Any ideas on an English speaking haven we can flee to if the Asshats win?