Thursday, July 29, 2010

Google Stuff and Our Social Media Linkie Thingies

Note: The links in this post were added by Zemanta, I have idea where they go, hover and find out!

Please take note that my anonymity is no longer possible at all. What the Hell, here are one bazillion different ways that you can track me down and kill me.  Right below the title header of this blog, there are ELEVEN different ways to contact me.  Not to mention the e-mail address on the sidebar.

By the way, that social media menu is the one that I created with my very first lesson in destroying the interblarqs.  You too can know how to make this menu or one similar if you send me an e-mail to get on the Paul Tries To Figure Out Wordpress blerk.  Yes, it is by invitation and acceptance only because I cuss.  I cuss HARD, too.

Plus, I have installed Zemanta on this blog to try to figure out the benefits of using it on my money-making site.  So far, I got nothing.  But, boy, does Zemanta lurve them some Wikipedia.  Dude, there are twelve Wiki labels below this editor as I type right this minute and like there is really no content, either!  (My favorite is the Wiki on "Hell.")

I am keeping my eye on Teh Google right now, because I bought a new Droid X and it is damned connected, dude.  Just so you know, since I got this phone last Tuesday, I have not typed a single damned text message.  The voice thingy works like a champ, but there are a couple of words it doesn't like.  Let's just call them the "F-Word" and the "S-Word."  My Razr used to just type those in automatically.  And it added the Boy-C-word-followed-by-an-S-word a lot, too.

But, Teh Google Docs works like a champ on the Droid X and there are some good changes that make cloud computering with Teh Google even better.  I have basically stopped using MS Office entirely since my e-mail is grabbed by G-Mail and Docs will translate every-damned-thing.  Not only will Docs translate pretty much all different formats, it also knows a buncha damned languages.  Not that I correspond with anyone that doesn't speak G_d's language, Southern English, but still maybe I need a good milking goat and I have to read some posts written in Yankee!

Also, Teh Google is upping their game on the drawing tools in Docs.  Maybe at some point, if they keep making their service better, I shall never have to boot AutoCad ever again.  (Shhhh, just kidding AutoDesk, please do not murder me!)

Even Spreadsheets is getting better.  Now, with LOOKUP!

Teh Google is even letting you add templates to Teh Google Sites now.  I think that they are trying to take over the world, SERIOUSLY.

Of course, you have already noticed the Dictionary Teh Google has put on search, amirite?  I am certainly old-fashioned in the dictionary realm.  Lemme hold a book.  The internet dictionaries are NEVER right in my opinion.

Adsense has got some webinars up to help you use a few of those features.  Money is GOOOOOOD.

Now, I am about to hit "Apply All" and add a bunch of related posts on the Zemanta and see what happens to traffic.  I think that the related article that shall interest me the most is the one with "bikini" in the title, how about you?  Plus, I think I'll throw the "Tramps" label on this one, too.  I have not used that one in a long time!

Tell me if these links help you at all.

Please take the time to comment.