Monday, October 04, 2010

iPhone Help Desk

Okay, y'all win, you are sticking with your Trimline phone. I understand. It is like your Calvin Klein jeans and your Acme boots. Just know beyond any doubt that you are holding a stone with a touch screen.

At least get some free software that will correct all your broken links, no tags, and wrong titles for your songs before you try to send them to me, okay?

TidySongs - Automatically Fix Your Music

Please take the time to comment.


Basil said...

Now I have to retire my BlackBerry and get an iPhone! In 2012! Because I'm on Verizon!

Paul Mitchell said...

Why do you have to get an iPhone? I am on Verizon and I have a Droid X.

Basil said...

How can I irritate you if I don't have an iPhone. It'll go with my iPad and my MacBook.

Paul Mitchell said...

Basil, if you have a Crackberry already, why would you want to downgrade?

Basil said...

Actually, I do like my BlackBerry. But, it has a nasty habit of hanging up (java exception is the usual notice when it happens).

I found some CNet tips on clearing RAM, and I'll see how it works.

Seriously, though, I'm looking at a Droid come 10/10/2010 (when Verizon says I'm eligible for upgrade). If I find one I really like, I may get that. Otherwise, I'll stay with a BlackBerry.

Oh, and if Verizon does ever get the iPhone (2012, maybe, despite rumors of this January), I'll seriously consider it. But only after others have done beta testing in a live environment.

Paul Mitchell said...

Basil, here's what you should check out:

paul mitchell said...

Why do you have to get an iPhone? I am on Verizon and I have a Droid X.