Thursday, October 21, 2010

P0wning the Interwebs, A(nd) Teh Google Hodge-Podge

Man, I have let the information folder get W-A-Y outta hand lately. I have so many good links that I really need to make about four posts, but you know me, just bookmark this post and come back after you are able to retire.

I have STILL not had the time necessary to make the videos that I have promised to make and I am terribly sorry about that. I hope y'all will be able to forgive me at some point. Really, y'all are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE Teh Google Wonder Wheel. That is so cool that it defies the imagination.

On to the BLOGSHOW!!!

I have been playing around with a few things in my browser over the past couple of weeks and thought y'all might like Google Assistant. This is an add on for Firefox that enhances Search. It does not just work on Teh Google however, it also works with BANG!, Yoohoo!, and Craig's List. I have no idea why Craig is so damned important that he has a list, but some folks are more equal than others, you know?

If you are a Linux person, Mozilla Labs has a sandbox to write your own browser. It is still very, very young, but the screens they have are cool.

Google Docs added Drag-n-Drop images. Woo Hoo! I don't use DnD, but I know a bunch of folks that do.

Google Analytics added in-page analytics. This is something that I am playing with more and more, but I have yet to even figure out what the Hell I am looking at, really. All I knows is that traffic sucks on Wednesday.

Analytics Tips for You Tube.

October is not only Breast Month, but it is also National Cyber Security Awareness month. Check out Teh Google's Online Security blog post on cloud security.

Optimize your ad units for Crimma. But, at the same time, make sure you limit accidental clicks.

Speaking of accidental clicks, why don't you run over to G-Mail's suggestion page an offer up the opinion to move the damned "Report Spam" button the Hell away from the "Archive" button? I'll wait.

Screens of Teh Google TV.

Here is a fun add on for Firefox, Decreased Productivity. If your boss is an asshole like mine, this add on helps with: Work-safe mode applies a style sheet to the page that turns the page into black text on a white background, removes background images, makes images almost invisible but more visible on mouse over, and hides all flash, java or other embedded applets.

Just FYI, here is the extension page for Teh Google Chrome. Search for Decreased Productivity, it's there.

Teh Google Groups is looking like it is going away pretty soon.

Here is a new Spellcheck and Grammarcheck for quite a few different platforms. I downloaded it to use with Open Office and so far it does pretty well. Of course, I have NOT used it very much because I am not writing a book right now. I'll let y'all know how well it works when I bang out another front-end for the Electrical Swampbilly.

PDFs are about to get much more interesting.

Teh Google, Teh Demo Slam. If you only click one link today, make it this one. There is a video here where four dudes dress up as Mount Rushmore to test Teh Google's new image recognition. Pretty damned cool.

Twittah is adding widgets to the frontpage. What do you wanna bet they turn it into some obnoxious suckfest like My Space?

Some very big news this week was that AWeber had their data hacked and a bunch of e-mail lists copied. This is NOT good and scurs the crap outta me. For those of you that are not H-U-G-E BIGTIME Interwebby Marketers like me, AWeber is the biggest of the big marketing e-mail services. And one of our HUGE HUGE HUGE money sponsors.

Oh! I almost forgot. If you are even remotely curious what the Top Ten Blogs in ALL topics, go check the list out, yo! Nope, we did not make it in ANY genre because I suck, if the standings were judged on commenters, y'all would have broken the measuring device with AWESOME.

Please take the time to comment.


Anonymous said...

The top ten blog list is quite something, really interesting stuph that I don't often get to. How did they manage to get the top ten soccer blogs down to 10? Tell me that won smarty pants!

10 blogs for Sarah, 10 blogs against Sarah.... uff, see ya in 3 weeks.
"LGF" is still listed under 10 popular conservative blogs, so yeah, results may vary.
still, thanx

Paul Mitchell said...

Marc, I know what you mean, most of the soccer bloggers prefer to be "bottoms."

I did notice that there was no Top Ten Mediocre Blogs. I just know this blog could have made that list.

paul mitchell said...

Marc, I know what you mean, most of the soccer bloggers prefer to be "bottoms."

I did notice that there was no Top Ten Mediocre Blogs. I just know this blog could have made that list.

marc in calgary said...

The top ten blog list is quite something, really interesting stuph that I don't often get to. How did they manage to get the top ten soccer blogs down to 10? Tell me that won smarty pants!

10 blogs for Sarah, 10 blogs against Sarah.... uff, see ya in 3 weeks.
"LGF" is still listed under 10 popular conservative blogs, so yeah, results may vary.
still, thanx