There has been a dumptruck load of updates, highlights, and interesting stuff released into the wild this past week. As a matter of fact, the day after our last Teh Google update, Teh Google opened their Teh Google E-Books site. If you are into reading e-books, here is the Teh Google E-Book Store.
Also announced last week was that Teh Google Wave was going all Apache, jump on it. With online colaboration becoming more and more important, I really think that Teh Google jumped off the Wave too soon, but I am pretty sure they have much more data than I do to bolster their point. I just F-E-E-L that they did.
Teh Google Groups is testing out a new interface. At some point, I am going to take the time to start consolidating my online presence into a more cohesive amalgamation. I think that Teh Google Groups is going to be pretty important to that ends.
Speaking of online consolidation, below is a QR code, it has all of my business links and information. If you have a smart phone with some kind of barcode reader, like Google Goggles, you can take a photo of this and immediately have my data. Yes, even my bank account numbers and passwords.
Make your own code with Its My Urls.
Did you realize that Teh Google has started their own affiliate network? You can now integrate that affiliate network into your Blogger blog, too.
G-Mail's Priority Inbox is a coupla' months old now and they have added even better learning features and an explanation of why Teh Google finds stuff "Important."
Oh, man, and they have added MUTE, too. I have sent them no fewer than six hundred e-mails asking for that feature. Their response? "Paul WHO?!?!?!"
This GIS information used with Maps is too cool. Somewhere I saw that the Mobile Maps was expanding their vector mapping data, too. So, in the future, your Droid X will be able to store maps entirely and use them offline. In the future, the people that own an iPhone will still be unable to place phone calls.
Oh, in case you do not understand how birth control works, and you mistakenly SPAWNED, you can track
You Tube's "Leanback" thingy launches personal channels. I am not really sure why anyone would want to watch movies, but I hear that some people do. Probably on their iPhone will masturbating to Steve Jobs latest announcement on how stupid iPhone users are.
I am still playing with this Global Market Finder and I see this as some kind of gateway to the increasingly accurate targeted marketing on the internet. Folks, face it, Teh Google Maps has already killed the Yellow Pages. I really thought that mail order would have been first, but I was wrong.
If you read that about Affiliate Networks above, in a few days, Teh Google is going to launch tracking links for that service. You gotta know what is bringing in the dust, you know?
Here are some AdSense tips for tightening up your money grubbing ways, too. Why are you so selfish and money-grubbing, you Money-Grubber?
Speaking of marketing and Maps, Hotpot is certainly creating more than a little BUZZ in the Intervironment. If you have a brick and mortar thingy, get to work on these things. A QR Code will help.
This week in Teh Google Docs...
Add images to CELLS in Docs. Imma Pie Charting Fool.
The Google Drawings feature in Docs is getting pretty crazy. I think that this has something to do with the vector thingy in Mobile Maps.
The Google Translator is now available in Google Apps. I think that Teh Google has just about added the integration for all of the free services now. I could be wrong, but they are getting close if they are no already finished.
With perfect seamless use of Teh Google Calendar with the Droid phones, no other calendar can compete. Optional attendees.
You Tube has increased upload length on videos. TO see if you qualify, like I do, click the upload button on your You Tube page. I have no idea how long the videos you can upload can be, but we'll find out soon enough.
You Tube: Using new media know how to run your family. instead of Chief Household Officer, I call myself, "Mr. Belvedere."
You Tube: Choose the next homepage star from the community. Looks like it is going to be JustJesse197.
You Tube: How to compress and upload with Professor I Couldn't Think of a Gayer Name To Call Myself, So This Will Have to Be Gay Enough For EVERYONE.
By the way, whenever I run across a video that has had the music cropped out by You Tube, I get mad enough to kill. Do your homework before uploading and here are some resources to help you NOT STEAL the damned music.
Oh, I almost forgot, Tumblr had a big outage earlier this week, back-up your blogs and stuff. Back-up stuff for Tumblr.
Next week, this Teh Week in Teh Google update will be at my affiliate blog. If you want to know where the Hell that is, you better sign up for the mailing list on this pop-up here. No, it is not a spammy pop-up, it is something that I made to test.
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