Monday, December 20, 2010

The Week in Paul Mitchell

I am vacationing with the Ball and Chain's parents for the Christmas holiday. I am checking the blogs and throwing out random comments and trying to catch up on a little work.

The federal government can kiss my ass this week. Seriously, they can't ruin everything in a week, can they?

I am sorry that I cannot see everyone that I want to see while I am in The 'Sip, but y'all will have to forgive me. I'll make it up to y'all later and there shall be a little extra in your check this week.

Plus, we made a video for y'all for this most special holiday and hope you'll take it to heart. We pray that the Religion of Peace feels a twinge in their evil hearts over the celebration of our Savior. Much love From the Family...Merry Christmas, folks.

Please take the time to comment.


Staci said...

Merry Christmas right back at ya. Watch some football.

Moogie P said...

They can't ruin everything in a week, can they? Foolish, foolish man.

Have a safe, happy, and Merry Christmas!

Lisa G in NZ said...

Merry Christmas to Paul and family...

Of course the gubmit can ruin almost anything in 1 week's time... they are trying to do JUST that RIGHT NOW!

Good column over at AmericanThinker gives the incoming congress critters some suggestions on taking the keys away from current idiot drivers and cutting up TheWon's open credit line credit card... *sigh* I feel like watching Die Hard now "merry Christmas m*r f*rs"... hehe

Andy said...

Dude, I saw that video over at Jim's MyBossier. I watched all four plus minutes of it, and my neck still hurts.

So, I skipped it the second time around. But, thanks for the sentiment anyway.

Happy Birthday, MoM! I mean, merry crimmus! Give J. a hug from me, and a kiss from you.

Paul Mitchell said...

Andy, Robert Earl wrote that song about my family. Truly.

Staci, I plan on watching a bunch of footbaw in a week or so...

Moogie, I know they can, but I am going to do everything I can to believe that others will keep them from doing anything too damned stupid.

Thanks much, Lisa. Is it weird celebrating Christmas in Summer?

Boogie said...

Merry merry Christmas friend! Looks like we're definitely gonna have the winter weather down here. Keep warm, keep safe, enjoy.

Paul Mitchell said...

Yeah, Boogie, a typical Mississippi Christmas, shorts and Crocs. I left Lexington, KY on Saturday morning and we had had two straight weeks of snow and ice. It had not been above 25 since Thanksgiving.

Boogie said...

Yeah dude, it may be warm now, but give it a few days. Looks to be quite chilly again soon.

paul mitchell said...

Yeah, Boogie, a typical Mississippi Christmas, shorts and Crocs. I left Lexington, KY on Saturday morning and we had had two straight weeks of snow and ice. It had not been above 25 since Thanksgiving.

Boogie said...

Merry merry Christmas friend! Looks like we're definitely gonna have the winter weather down here. Keep warm, keep safe, enjoy.