Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drive-By Blogging - A Plethora of Nothing

Yes, Wednesday is usually the Teh Google day, but this week has been BONKERS with the bad_pool_caller, reloading my whole drive of software, tweaking all my plug-ins and stuff. I now have to use three whole days up, serious eight to ten hour days, getting all the stuff back in order. No fun. Throw a wild-ass twelve year old that is out of school because of FREAKING snow, and dude, Teh Google just gone be late...

But, there were a couple of things that I wanted to dump here.

I want to grab one million page views on this blog in 2011. I know that is possible, because from July to January, we got over half a million. But, I am off a few hits for the year. We have got to average about 2750 hits a day to make the goal. We are averaging about 2570 a day. That ain't gonna get it.

I also want to gross forty thousand bucks this year online without any architectural business. That might prove to be difficult, but with the affiliates site, Ball and Chain's yoga site, and a planned joint venture financial site, it should be doable. I plan on keeping y'all up to date on those things, too.

Also, I am going to get this here blarq back to its humor roots. I have seriously gotten away from that somewhat because of President Douchy McStupidass running the show, but I am going to refocus on what this site was intended to accomplish. Of course, we are a mere eighteen days away from the beginning of Blackuary and that is a huge task to undertake, but I am up to it this year.

Today's blogshow is a short one, but I think that it is pretty danged good.

Mudfence ugly Congresscritters. Ugly, stupid, and corrupt is no way to go through life, son.

The Obamanomic Recovery is on par with the Great Depression. Home values continue the freefall.

Dan Mitchell on the monumental task of changing Social Security.

Steve B tries to sort through liberal "logic."

Paul Ryan pr0n!!! And more.

Oddly, since the CBO now has a majority that is not Hellbent on destroying the way of life in our country, they now have numbers that speak the truth on the debacle that is ObamaCare. The only people that thought ObamaCare would save money are too stupid to stop digging when they are standing at the bottom of a hole.

Food stamp usage is doing what it always does when Dumb-a-crats are in charge.

The Obamas hire some more of their corrupt, criminal buddies.

Cat fight going on between Moron Joe Klein and Moron Ed Schultz. Who is dumber? it's a tie.

Dumbass Frank Lautenberg jumps into the Democrat Stupidity Rally and is surging toward the front of the pack.

Democrat hacks continue to fail miserably at their jobs. Democrats are the Mannings of SUCK.

The Democrat baby slaughter is gaining steam.

Boogie rails on the dumbshit stuff going on about the "Progressive" mass murderer in Tucson.

Chew on those things for a little while and I'll get the Teh Google post up really soon. Promise.

Please take the time to comment.


Andy said...

Dude, now I am excited. With football ending, I had no real reason to live for a while. But, reading that you're back up the Blackuary task made me smile.

And, it gives me sumpin' to look forward at. This post was like a cool drink in the desert. Or, like comfortable shoes, and a warm place to use the bafroom.

Boogie said...

I haven't been around for Blackuary-ness before, so this should be fun...

Andy said...

Boogie, you have NO idea...

Paul Mitchell said...

Dangit, Andy, now I have to deliver something that is good.

The Mayor said...

Blackuary - where has the time gone?

I pretty much linkie love this site to my sidebar when Blackuary comes along.

Looking forward to it, TD.

Andy said...

Naw...mediocre will be just fine.

It has served you well thus far. Nyuk!

Paul Mitchell said...

Mayor, it sure flies by when you don't have any money to blow on a vacation, huh?

Good deal, Andy, on that I can deliver.

Boogie said...

Don't attempt to rise above mediocrity on my behalf man...

Skunkfeathers said...

Boogie, prepare for education in epic PM style. You'll never see Blackuary the same agin ;)

Skunkfeathers said...

Boogie, prepare for education in epic PM style. You'll never see Blackuary the same agin ;)

Andy said...

Boogie, you have NO idea...