Friday, January 14, 2011

J. Eric Fuller - Moonbat Dumbass

It never takes anything but a cursory search before you start finding the hatred and vitriol of the "Progressives." I originally ran this search trying to find Fuller's military service background, but he sounds like a whiny, little bitching libtard.

"Ewwwww!!! I got shot, I got shot!!! It's all Sarah Palin's fault!!!"

Everyone in the Barrystream Media is going to jump all over that shit.

FUNNY. Dumbass was blaming Beck back in March 2010, too.

FUCK YOU, ERIC FULLER. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, when one of your "Progressive" buddies came unglued. Grow a backbone and stop being such a PUSSY.

All the incendiary tags to you. DUMBASS.

Please take the time to comment.


Anonymous said...

Well said, and well deserved.

Paul Mitchell said...

What a pansy, I am almost positive that he only briefly served and only because he was drafted, too.

Anonymous said...

The Declaration of Independence asserts the importance of what are now referred to as "Second Amendment remedies". Maybe the murderer had it memorized.

Don Kosloff

Paul Mitchell said...

I think that the Loughner was just tweaked in the head and that is why he went on the killing spree. But after reading Fuller's whiny crybaby lying comments, maybe Loughner knew Fuller and wanted to kill him because Fuller is such a nancy-boy?

Anonymous said...

Getting a little nervous that everyone directly involved that actually WAS a victim has something to say about the bullshit the right-wing pumps into the heads of the deranged and terrified? Keep blaming the people that got shot guys, that's a great way to win over the mushy middle

Moogie P said...

There's been a tidal wave the last couple of days caused by media-type folks back-paddling away from this Titanic issue.

Cripes. I long for the day when a crazy can just be a crazy.

Or for the day when an Islamic jihadist is an Islamic jihadist.

Paul Mitchell said...

Moogie, I am old enough to remember when we had insane asylums and ZERO homeless people. Of course, the "Progressives" had to screw that up, too. Now? Random acts of violence and crime is through the roof.

Correlation? You betcha.

Anonymous said...

If you read closely.. he "dove for the ground and caught a bullet in the knee.." Then played dead like a pansy. So he ran away while women and children were being shot and then played possum so he wouldn't die. What a PUSSY. Probably was a stock room private in the military. And this just in.. he was ARRESTED today for threatening a Tea party leader at a local parish. LMAO

Paul Mitchell said...

Dang, Anon, he made freaking DEATH THREAT!!! What an absolute, complete, total DUMBASS.

Thanks for the "heads Up."

Anonymous said...

Did you even think that maybe that guy needed more heathcare NO I DIDN"T thing so dhinger paul mitchell because sarah palin doesn't want there to be heathcare.


Paul Mitchell said...

I think that he was pissed about the Iraq War.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that a good point PAUL MITCHELL who is a DHinger. There a wrong IRAQ WAR maybe that make him kill that lady BECAUSE IT WAS WRong. A WRONG WAR did you even think of that no you didn't

PS I am singing on as anoamous because there no way to sing on as my actually who I AM which is my real name of IRAQ WAR WAS NOT RIGHT.

-iraqwarnot right

John Paolozzi said...

"I got shot, I got shot!!! It's all Sarah Palin's fault!!!"

Er... could you try not to be an asshole your whole life. The dude did actually get shot. TWICE. It's kind of a big deal, and it's natural that he might be a little bit angry. I mean look at how angry you are right now. Did you take a bullet or something?

Hope you don't consider yourself a Christian. Jesus would be combing the puke out of his beard for a week if he thought you were on his team.

Skunkfeathers said...

Paul, you'd dug up some absolute morons!

The person responsible for shooting those folks is ONLY the person who pulled the trigger. Libtards can repeatedly blame people they don't like for every malady in the world, and the libtards will continue to tree stump wrong and tree stump stupid.

BUT, if they insist on someone to blame besides the shooter, they can blame the ACLU, who insisted people like Loughner don't belong institutionalized, back in the 70s and 80s.

Huh? What's that? The ACLU is staffed with libtards, so they can't be at fault? Well, go figger.

Paul Mitchell said...

Skunks, it never ceases to amaze me that 100% of the ideas of the Progressives turn out badly for everyone. When our society followed liberal ideology and turned away from logical,results oriented policy, we started seeing all the stupid shit.

Hey! I have an idea! Let's shut down all the insane asylums because it is inhumane to lock up crazy people! Nothing bad will come from that, either!

Yeah, nothing bad like homelessness exploding and crime going through the roof because crazy people have to eat, but they cannot hold JOBS.

Dean L said...

Nice post, great comment thread.

When someone goes on a shooting spree in the name of Islam (Ft. Hood) it can't be part of a wider agenda. When a disturbed kid upset at everything from government to grammar does the same, it's part of a vast right wing conspiracy that relies on freedom of speech and has touched off the crazies. The double standard goes something like this - soldiers get killed it's a lone lunatic, if a liberal gets killed it's because the craziness was inspired by inflammatory hate speech.

How people manage to do back flips through hoops to come up with that twisted logic escapes me. But then again, I consider myself to be reasonably rational. Of course if any one of those who were debating you is still checking in on this thread, I'll probably be accused of being a lunatic too.

Paul Mitchell said...

I keep wondering why these sorts of incidences NEVER happen at the gun and knife shows. Any answers to that conundrum?

Anonymous said...

I wonder??? As I scratch my head in puzzlement. Oh oh oh, I know...maybe it's because there are guns and knifes at a Gun and Knife Show and a prospective lunatic would be crazy to start some shit.

So, what do I win? ;)


Paul Mitchell said...

Mike, I am guessing that since you are not dumb enough to fall for the left's lunacy about standard capacity magazines and the "gunshow loophole," you are already a winner in life.

You simply could not ask for more than that!

Thanks much for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was hoping it was a contest and I'd win some kind of prize, but I'll just have to be satisfied with being a winner in life.

As far as 2nd amendment rights, I'm against having to apply for a gun permit or CCW, or to register a gun, which is the governments way of "giving me permission" to own and carry a gun. As far as I'm concerned, the 2nd amendment IS my gun permit.

Also, I've added you to my blogroll, not that it will increase your traffic any, but will make it easier for me to click here and read and comment on your articles.

Thanks, Mike

Paul Mitchell said...

Thanks much for the add, in case you did not notice, you went on the Special Friends thingy on my sidebar. I try to add everyone that joins in the conversation.

I'll tell you what keeps bugging me about this magazine talk in the Barrystream Media, they keep saying LARGE capacity CLIPS, when what they are really talking about are STANDARD capacity MAGAZINES. Geez, they could at least attempt to know what they are talking about, is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

If you read closely.. he "dove for the ground and caught a bullet in the knee.." Then played dead like a pansy. So he ran away while women and children were being shot and then played possum so he wouldn't die. What a PUSSY. Probably was a stock room private in the military. And this just in.. he was ARRESTED today for threatening a Tea party leader at a local parish. LMAO