Today in 2004, the Democrat Party decided that the black folks were aborting so many of their children that Democrats had to find another minority to champion. So, in keeping with the Democrat ideology of always promoting stupid shit that makes the world a little dumber, Dumbassachusetts chose Blackuary 4, 2004 to make it okay for gays to marry.
The fun part of that? Gay marriage advocates immediately began invoking Dr. King's legacy (and words, yes, 'content of character' was used repeatedly) to put being gay on the same plane as being black. The bizarre thing about THAT? Blacks did not immediately take to the streets of their neighborhoods to burn down the beauty salons and the interior decorating offices.
I wanted to revisit the fact that Rosa Parks was born today, but that has done been did.
Also, on this day in 1794, the French Legislature abolished slavery in their TERRORtories. But, they did not do it in France however, slavery was legal until 1848 in the home court. Fun part about that? Slavery existed in France since pre-historical times. Meaning, since before they knew what YEARS were. Slavery existed in the United States for less than 100 years after we became a country. The first slave was documented in the "New World" around 1612 or so and slavery was abolished in 1865. That is a total of 253 years in what was to become the United States.
France? Slavery was legal for over 2000 years that we know of...WOW!
Also, on Blackuary 4, 1996, Representative J.C. Watts was the very first black man to offer a rebuttal to a State of the Union Address. Name that PARTY and name that FOOTBAW TEAM.
On Blackuary 4, 1997, a civil jury found O.J. Simpson liable for the death of his cracker ex-wife...and the rest of that is history.
The revolution in Angola against Portugal began on this date in 1961. Today, Angola has one of the lowest life expectancy rates and highest infant mortality rates in the world. They are also 44 out of 48 is shittyness factor in Africa, but, dammit, they got rid of whitey.
Plus, today in 1923, Conrad Bain was born, bringing HOPE, CHANGE, and Diff'rent Strokes.
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**Also, on Blackuary 4, 1996, Representative J.C. Watts was the very first black man to offer a rebuttal to a State of the Union Address. Name that PARTY and name that FOOTBAW TEAM.**
Hmmmm...Republican and The University of Oklahoma
Has J.C. Watts always lived in Oklahoma? I mean except for his years playing ball in Canada? He's been a bit... hesitant... in his commentary when he subbed on daytime radio, I don't recall if it was Hannity or Rushbo, but I know he's on our side. I don't care what color he is, I haven't' heard him use his race as a crutch. Don't hold back if I've got that wrong...
Mr. Guy, you are correct, sir.
Marc, not sure because I will be corrected if I am wrong, but Watts is from Eufaula, OKIE. The same place the James Gang was from.
I don't remember Watts making a big dealio about being a Kneegrow, but I am sure that it has come up a time or two because of his "Uncle Tomism."
Yep, Eufaula, QB at the Boomer Sooner, and a Republican. He writes some pretty good opinion pieces that are published in various newspapers- I usually catch them in the Las Vegas Review Journal. It is sometimes thought that he will become the president of OU when Boren retires, but I can't confirm that.
Yep, Eufaula, QB at the Boomer Sooner, and a Republican. He writes some pretty good opinion pieces that are published in various newspapers- I usually catch them in the Las Vegas Review Journal. It is sometimes thought that he will become the president of OU when Boren retires, but I can't confirm that.
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