Sunday, March 20, 2011

Drive-By Blogging - Obama Follows Fwance into War

The Cocaine Cowboy, Barry Obama, has received his orders from his masters in Fwance and has launched Unicorn missiles into Libya.

Who on Earth gives one shit? Me.

Since Barry Obama has only produced failure, hate, and economic discontent around the entire globe, this PREEMPTIVE WAR can only end poorly because it will be driven by the lack of planning and knowledge of real world data that only comes when Democrats get involved with REALITY.

My heart goes out to the military men and women, plus their families, that will be led by the most feckless moron ever to inhabit the Barry White House.

Prayers to you folks and hopefully we will remove this idiot from the helm very, very soon.

Please take the time to comment.


Moogiep said...

I'll second the prayers.

But, the whole Democrats-meeting-reality thing? Isn't that kinda like matter meeting anti-matter?

Disgruntled said...

Because war is bad, why are we surprised President Douchtard McCruisemissle has decided to give it a try?

paul_mitchell said...

Yeah, and it is going to be really, really bad, too.

paul_mitchell said...

Disgruntled, of course he is going to try it and he is going to perform poorly at it just like all the other stuff he's done.

Theo said...

If you noticed Obama actually called the Saudi King last week and it doesn't take and idiot to figure out who he gets his real marching orders from....

paul_mitchell said...

Theo, I think that he gets his real marching orders from SATAN!!!