Anyhoo, here's the blog archive from February 2005, trust me, it's bad. Here's my first post about Black History Month needing to go. You can try the links on some of those posts, but chances are good that none of them still work. Please go gentle on the critiques of my earlier stuff, I tried. I failed.
Then, the following year, I found a voice that I wanted to project. My very first "Blackuary" post is here. This is STILL the most linked post on Your MoM. I tried to spread those links out by copying and pasting that post year after year and still the first one ranks higher. Feh, I give up on that.
The historical aspects of Negro History Week have been long forgotten. Equality is no longer the goal. Instead, now, we just make shit up to "celebrate" being black. I am kinda sick of following that "Progressive" ideology. You see, while being white is NOT superior to being black, lying and falsifying black achievement does us no good either.
For instance, the Amistad story? Bullshit.
And as long as I am debunking black history, no debunking would be complete without the Le Amistad. Since nothing of significance having to do with the United States and the Amistad occurred in Blackuary, just indulge me for a minute. At no time EVER did the Amistad head to the United States to sell slaves. They were to be resold in Cuba. The ONLY reason that the Amistad wound up in the United States was because of the slave revolt on board. The United States in its terrible bigotry and hatred of the black race, found FOR the black folks and ordered them returned to their rightful home in Sierra Leone, an AFRICAN slave trading country. The United States forced HISPANIC slavemasters to release their property purchased from BLACK folks."Progressive" history is like everything else they attempt, BULLSHIT!!! Back to the BLOGSHOW!!!
Good thing that Barry Obama was elected President!
I am NOT a racist, I am an individualist.
And, WELCOME to Blackuary 2012, the 100 Years Too Early Version.
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